The Anxiety Summit Season 2 (November 2014)
Trudy Scott as she interviewed 20+ of the world’s experts and opinion leaders – researchers, doctors, psychiatrists, nutritionists, consumer advocates, psychologists and more – on the very powerful connection between food and mood. Hear the science and learn transformational tools you can apply right away. Be empowered and take charge!
Expert Speakers & Topics
Trudy Scott, CN, host of the Anxiety Summit, Food Mood expert and author of The Antianxiety Food Solution

The latest food and nutrient research on anxiety, music and more
- Why The Anxiety Summit
- New research on food and nutrients for reducing anxiety and depression
- Why changing our diets and addressing nutritional deficiencies is so important
- Music for mood and some inspiration for you
- Gems from each of the upcoming speakers
Food Mood Expert Trudy Scott is a certified nutritionist on a mission to educate and empower women worldwide about natural solutions for anxiety, stress and emotional eating. Trudy works with women one-on-one and in groups, serving as a catalyst in bringing about life enhancing transformations that start with the healing powers of eating real whole food, using individually targeted supplementation and making simple lifestyle changes. She also presents nationally to nutrition and mental health professionals on food and mood, sharing all the recent research and how-to steps so they too can educate and empower their clients and patients.
Trudy is past president of the National Association of Nutrition Professionals. She was recipient of the 2012 Impact Award and currently serves as a Special Advisor to the Board of Directors. She is a member of Alliance for Addiction Solutions and Anxiety and Depression Association of America. Trudy is the author of The Antianxiety Food Solution: How the Foods You Eat Can Help You Calm Your Anxious Mind, Improve Your Mood and End Cravings (New Harbinger 2011).
Randy Hartnell, fisherman, owner of Vital Choice

What you need to know about seafood—the ultimate brain and mood food
- Purity and contaminants such as mercury and radiation (Fukushima)
- Research showing the health benefits: anxiety, depression
- What if you are mercury-toxic and sensitive
- Farmed vs wild salmon (and other species)
- What about that fish-y smell
- The health benefits of fish roe
- Omega-3s and fish as ‘Brain Food”
- Omega3-6 balance and testing fatty acid levels
Before he and his wife founded Vital Choice Wild Seafood & Organics in 2001, Randy Hartnell spent 24 years as a commercial fisherman in the Pacific Northwest and Alaska. Today, Randy is president of Vital Choice, now the leading source for fast home delivery of the world’s finest wild Alaskan seafood and organic fare. He guides Vital Choice in its mission to provide customers with sustainable seafood of the highest quality, while educating them about the impact of their food choices on the environment, their health, and the commercial fishing community. Randy is the public face of Vital Choice, fostering relationships with environmentally minded, health-conscious consumers and nutrition-oriented health and wellness advocates. He is a Washington state native and lives with his wife Carla in his home town of Bellingham. Randy also holds a degree in English literature from the University of California at Berkeley.
JJ Virgin, CNS, Celebrity Nutrition & Fitness Expert, author The Virgin Diet

The Sugar Impact Diet
- The role stress and anxiety in play in sugar addiction
- Why sugar is a drug and what it’s doing to our health and mood
- Why all sugar is not created equal and where it hides
- Why fructose is worse than glucose
- Can we eat natural sugars, fruit, honey and agave
- The dangers of artificial sweeteners
- Signs of high sugar impact and how the sugar impact diet works
- Why snacking may not be a good thing
Celebrity Nutrition & Fitness Expert JJ Virgin, CNS, CHFS, helps clients lose weight fast by breaking free from food intolerances and crush their sugar cravings. She is author of New York Times Bestsellers The Virgin Diet: Drop 7 Foods, Lose 7 Pounds, Just 7 Days, The Virgin Diet Cookbook: 150 Easy and Delicious Recipes to Lose Weight and Feel Better Fast and coming November 4, 2014: The Sugar Impact Diet: Drop 7 Hidden Sugars, Lose up to 10 Pounds, Just 2 Weeks. JJ is also a frequent blogger at Huffington Post, Mind Body Green, and other outlets as well as a popular guest on TV, radio, and in magazines. Learn more at
Julie Matthews, Certified Nutrition Consultant, author of Nourishing Hope for Autism

Fermented foods and probiotics for anxiety and depression: The practical and the research
- Types of fermentations
- Health benefits of probiotics and fermentations
- Research on probiotics and anxiety/depression/brain health/autism
- Probiotic supplements
- Prebiotics and why some people can’t use them
- Who might have trouble with fermented foods and why
- Steps and tips on making fermented foods and beverages
Julie Matthews is a Certified Nutrition Consultant specializing in autism spectrum disorders, ADHD, and nutrition for pregnancy. Her approached is based on the BioIndividual NutritionTM needs of each person. She provides dietary guidance backed by scientific research and applied clinical experience. Her award winning book, Nourishing Hope for Autism, has helped people around the world to make food and nutrition choices that aid the health, learning, and behavior of those with autism, ADHD, and other developmental delays. She presents at leading autism conferences in the US and abroad, and is the Nutrition Editor of the Autism File magazine. She is on the scientific advisory board for USAAA (U.S. Autism & Asperger Association) and the Autism Nutrition Research Center. She is the co-founder of Nourishing Hope and BioIndividual Nutrition Institute. Julie has a private nutrition practice in San Francisco, California, and supports families and clinicians from around the world with her nutrition learning tools and professional training courses. Visit and
Dr. Tom O’Bryan, DC, host of ‘The Gluten Summit – A Grain of Truth’

Gluten’s impact on the inflamed brain: reducing anxiety and depression
- Terminology and why it’s not called gluten intolerance but sensitivity
- Is gluten sensitivity just a fad and the recent FODMAPs research
- The multitude of diseases and symptoms caused by gluten sensitivity
- Gluten sensitivity as a contributing factor to psychiatric manifestations/anxiety/depression and new 2014 research from Italy
- Suicide rates in kids with celiac disease (even when they quit gluten), and kids celiac camps
- The conundrum with testing
- Doing an elimination and then challenge?
- Can anyone eat wheat or should we all be gluten-free
Dr. Tom O’Bryan is an internationally recognized speaker and workshop leader specializing in the complications of Non-Celiac Gluten Sensitivity and Celiac Disease as they occur inside and outside of the intestines. He is the founder of He recently hosted the paradigm-shifting ‘The Gluten Summit – A Grain of Truth’, bringing together 29 of the world’s experts on Celiac Disease and Non-Celiac Gluten Sensitivity at
Jeffrey M. Smith, non-GMO advocate, producer of Genetic Roulette

Anxiety and mood: Health risks of GMOs and Roundup
- GMO definition, health effects and why advocate a complete ban
- The sad story of the South African GM corn/mielie farmer
- How Bt toxins damage the gut and become “pesticide producing factories”
- How Roundup affects serotonin production, detoxification and the gut
- Roundup’s new scary use
- The GM tryptophan disaster in 1989
- The good news and how you can help bring about change
Jeffrey M. Smith is an international best-selling author and filmmaker; Executive Director, Institute of Responsible Technology and leading spokesperson on the health dangers of GMOs. He is the leading consumer advocate promoting healthier non-GMO choices. Mr. Smith’s documentary Genetic Roulette, The Gamble of Our Lives was awarded the 2012 Movie of the Year (Solari Report) and the Transformational Film of the Year (AwareGuide). His books include: Seeds of Deception: Exposing Industry and Government Lies about the Safety of the Genetically Engineered Foods You’re Eating and Genetic Roulette: The Documented Health Risks of Genetically Engineered Foods. Learn more at and
Dr. Kelly Brogan MD, Holistic women’s health psychiatry

Psychoneuroimmunology, the new psychiatry
- The role of inflammation in anxiety and depression
- Hormones and where the endocrine system fits in
- Where inflammation comes from
- What a healthy microbiome looks like
- Natural lifestyle interventions to reverse symptoms and favorite nutraceuticals
- Why psychiatrists don’t know about this
Dr. Brogan is boarded in Psychiatry/Psychosomatic Medicine/Reproductive Psychiatry and Integrative Holistic Medicine, and practices Functional Medicine, a root-cause approach to illness as a manifestation of multiple-interrelated systems. After studying Cognitive Neuroscience at M.I.T., and receiving her M.D. from Cornell University, she completed her residency and fellowship at Bellevue/NYU. She is one of the nation’s only physicians with perinatal psychiatric training who takes a holistic evidence-based approach in the care of patients with a focus on environmental medicine and nutrition. She is also a mom of two, and an active supporter of women’s birth experience, rights to birth empowerment, and limiting of unnecessary interventions. She is the Medical Director for Fearless Parent, and an advisory board member for, Pathways to Family Wellness, NYS Perinatal Association, and Fisher Wallace. She practices in NYC and is on faculty at NYU/Bellevue.
Dr. Ted Dinan MD, PhD, Professor of Psychiatry at University College Cork

Microbes in the gut and psychobiotics as a potential treatment for anxiety and depression
- Varied ways in which anxiety presents
- Anxiety as a co-morbid condition e.g. irritable bowel syndrome
- Microbes in the gut and the influence on emotional activity
- Non-pharmacological approaches to treating anxiety
- Psychobiotics as a potential treatment and the newest research in this area
Ted Dinan, MD, PhD, is Professor of Psychiatry at University College Cork. He was previously Chair of Clinical Neurosciences and Professor of Psychological Medicine at St. Bartholomew’s Hospital, London. Prior to that, he was a Senior Lecturer in Psychiatry at Trinity College Dublin. He has worked in research laboratories on both sides of the Atlantic and has a PhD in Pharmacology from the University of London. He is a Fellow of the Royal Colleges of Physicians and Psychiatrists and a Fellow of the American College of Physicians. His main research interests are in the biology of depression and functional bowel disorders and in this context he has made significant contributions to the literature on the regulation of the hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal axis in situations of stress with particular emphasis on the role of vasopressin. In 1995 was awarded the Melvin Ramsey Prize for this research into the biology of stress. His current research is funded by Science Foundation Ireland, the Health Research Board and the Wellcome Trust. He has published over 400 papers and numerous books on the pharmacology and neurobiology of affective disorders. He is on the Editorial Boards of several journals including the Journal of Affective Disorders, Human Psychopharmacology and Psychoneuroendocrinology.
Dr. Mikell S. Parsons, DC., Certified Clinical Nutritionist

Conquering those yeastie beasties (candida) once and for all
- Yeastie beasties/ candida: what it is and how common it is
- How to assess if you have it and symptoms of overgrowth
- Why craving sugar is a HUGE sign of a yeast overgrowth
- How yeast can be a cause of weight gain
- How do we get it and is it contagious
- Protocols for getting rid of the yeastie beasties
- Methylation and mercury toxicity and candida?
Dr. Mikell Suzanne Parsons is a doctor of Chiropractic, a Certified Clinical Nutritionist and has earned two diplomats. One from the American Clinical Board of Nutrition and the other is in Chiropractic Neurology. In addition to this she is also a Certified Gluten (free) Practitioner. Formerly, she was Assistant Professor of Clinical Sciences at the University of Bridgeport College of Chiropractic and Naturopathic Medicine in Bridgeport, Connecticut where she taught women’s health, obstetrics, gynecology, geriatrics and EENT.
Dr. Parsons is a former Attending Doctor and Clinical Instructor at the Texas Chiropractic College in Pasadena, Texas. Before moving to Connecticut, Dr. Parsons maintained a multi-doctor practice of chiropractic, clinical nutrition and natural-medicine in Houston, Texas for 7 years. She lectures throughout the United States and Canada on clinical nutrition, women’s health issues, and the management of soft-tissue disorders. Previously, Dr. Parsons was in practice at a multi-disciplinary integrated medical practice in Milford, Connecticut where she specialized in women’s health and functional medicine.
In December of 1998, she was a contributing author of the critically acclaimed textbook “Instant Access to Chiropractic Guidelines and Protocols” published by Mosby, Inc. and in 2010 she contributed to Dr. Claudia Anrig’s “Second Edition of the Pediatric Chiropractic Textbook.” Dr. Parsons also currently publishes her own bi-monthly Ezine available on her website.
In the year 2001, she was the host of the radio talk show “The MultiCare Health Hour”, and has continued her media outreach as a reoccurring guest on the Central Valley Today show. She has also been a consultant for Whole Health Professional Consulting and Educational Services, an organization that provides clinical consultations to physicians of all types in order to help train them in functional medical management of difficult patients, as well as providing professional educational seminars in order to help train doctors in the methods of clinical nutrition, herbal therapy, and functional medicine.
Dr. Parsons served as a board member for the National Association of Nutrition Professionals (NANP), and is the founder of the Natural Path Health Center in Fresno, California where she continues to specialize in chiropractic, nutrition and chiropractic neurology.
Trudy Scott, CN, Host of the Anxiety Summit, Food Mood expert and nutritionist

Targeted individual amino acids for eliminating anxiety: practical applications
- Glutamine: how it’s calming and helps with blood sugar balancing
- GABA: how it eases physical tension
- Tryptophan: how it eases anxiety in the head/busy ruminations (and when not to use 5-HTP)
- DPA and tyrosine: how they help you quit the comfort-eating and coffee
- Precautions when using individual amino acids
- Factors that make them more effective and factors that make them less effective
Food Mood Expert Trudy Scott is a certified nutritionist on a mission to educate and empower women worldwide about natural solutions for anxiety, stress and emotional eating. Trudy works with women one-on-one and in groups, serving as a catalyst in bringing about life enhancing transformations that start with the healing powers of eating real whole food, using individually targeted supplementation and making simple lifestyle changes. She also presents nationally to nutrition and mental health professionals on food and mood, sharing all the recent research and how-to steps so they too can educate and empower their clients and patients.
Trudy is past president of the National Association of Nutrition Professionals. She was recipient of the 2012 Impact Award and currently serves as a Special Advisor to the Board of Directors. She is a member of Alliance for Addiction Solutions and Anxiety and Depression Association of America. Trudy is the author of The Antianxiety Food Solution: How the Foods You Eat Can Help You Calm Your Anxious Mind, Improve Your Mood and End Cravings (New Harbinger 2011).
Tom A. Malterre, MS, CN, author of Nourishing Meals

Our environmental toxin exposures promote anxiety
- The drastic spike in ADD/ADHD and autism and increase in anxiety and depression
- Air pollution as an environmental toxin: concerns and sources (mercury, the brown cloud)
- Mercury in fish and fish meal for animals
- EDCs/ Endocrine Disrupting Compounds: BPA, phthalates and anxiety
- Pesticides and the effects on folates in the colon and the production of serotonin
- TILT /Toxicant-induced loss of tolerance
- What to do: nutritional and lifestyle tips
Since the age of 10, Tom Malterre has been fascinated by the science of nutrition. In his quest to understand the genius of food and nature, he has achieved both a Bachelors and Masters degree in nutritional sciences from Bastyr University, learned from medical experts at the Institute for Functional Medicine, become a faculty member of the Autism Research Institute, co-authored two books Nourishing Meals and Whole Life Nutrition Cookbook, and coached numerous health care practitioners on using nutritional science as a tool in their clinical practices. Through his Whole Life Nutrition Elimination Diet program he has helped thousands of people let go of migraines, arthritis, anxiety, skin disorders, and many other chronic conditions. Tom loves to spend time with his wife and children hiking in the mountains, harvesting wild food, and enjoying the beauty of the great Northwest. Learn more at and his recipe blog
Kris Homme, MPH, retired engineer turned science writer

Your hidden mercury burden: A likely root cause of the other root causes of anxiety
Part 1
- chronic mercury poisoning effects at the molecular level: blocks enzymes, displaces minerals
- chronic mercury poisoning effects the cellular and organ level: mineral transport, destroys barriers like gut and brain, mitochondrial dysfunction
- effects on hormone imbalance, blood sugar regulation, food sensitivities, GABA/serotonin levels, autoimmunity
- why mercury toxicity is complicated and hard to test for
- subjective signs of chronic mercury poisoning
Part 2
- how to get rid of your mercury burden: dental amalgams, mercury in fish
- how a special diet can help
- important supplements to include: antioxidants; essential fatty acids; minerals
- foods and supplements to avoid
- concerns around chelation
- chronic mercury poisoning resources
Kris Homme is a retired engineer turned science writer. She has graduate degrees in public policy and public health. She has chronic mercury poisoning. She is the lead author of a peer-reviewed journal article entitled, “New science challenges old notion that mercury dental amalgam is safe,” published in BioMetals in February 2014, which describes the new science of genetic susceptibilities to low-dose exposures of mercury. She facilitates a chronic mercury poisoning support group in the San Francisco Bay Area. As an activist, she is a party to the ongoing legal effort to compel the FDA to restrict mercury dental amalgam. And in 2013 she led a campaign in the city of Berkeley to improve the information given to dental patients about the risks of mercury dental amalgam. Learn more at
Dr. Alan Christianson, ND, author of Complete Idiot’s Guide to Thyroid Disease

Adrenals – Master glands of anxiety / tranquility
- Why the adrenals regulate the anxiety response
- Why some are more prone to anxiety than others
- How to know if your adrenals are healthy
- Testing your adrenal function
- The difference between adrenal dysfunction and disease
- How your diet and daily habits stress your adrenals
- The best ways to heal your adrenal glands
Dr. Alan Christianson is a Phoenix, Arizona-based Naturopathic Physician who helps people overcome adrenal and thyroid disorders and achieve lasting fat loss and vibrant energy. He is the author of the bestselling Complete Idiot’s Guide to Thyroid Disease, Healing Hashimoto’s – A Savvy Patient’s Guide, and an exciting new book coming soon (2015.) Dr. Christianson is the founding physician behind Integrative Health Care, The Fix, Hormone Club for Men and Women and the founding president of the Endocrine Association of Naturopathic Physicians. He trains doctors internationally on the treatment of obesity, thyroid disease, and hormone replacement therapy. Learn more at
Dr. Hyla Cass, MD, Board-certified in psychiatry and integrative medicine and the author of Mood, Anxiety, Energy and Your Thyroid

How thyroid imbalance can cause anxiety and depression
- An aside on Abram Hoffer and orthomolecular medicine
- Thyroid disorders: frequency, causes, symptoms and the mood/anxiety connection
- Hashimotos thyroiditis and anxiety
- Hyperthyroidism and anxiety
- Testing: basal temperature and blood tests
- Conventional medical treatment
- Natural thyroid hormones and dietary factors
- Shoulder stands, rebounding and exercise for stress and anxiety
Dr. Hyla Cass is a nationally acclaimed physician, board-certified in psychiatry and neurology, as well as in integrative and holistic medicine. She is one of the country’s foremost authors and experts on the subject of integrative medicine, combining the best of leading-edge natural medicine with modern science in her clinical practice of 30 years, writings, lectures, and nationwide media appearances. She is recognized for helping people to come off both psychiatric medication and substances of abuse with the use of targeting nutritional supplements, including her own unique formulations. They also serve to enhance mind, mood, energy and memory, naturally. Quoted widely in newspapers and magazines, including the Los Angeles Times, The Toronto Star, Cosmopolitan, Newsweek, and People Magazine, she also appears regularly on radio and television, on shows such as The Dr. Oz Show, The View, E! Entertainment, and MSNBC. She is the author of several popular books including User’s Guide to Herbal Remedies, St. John’s Wort: Nature’s Blues Buster; Natural Highs; Supplement Your Prescription: What Your Doctor Doesn’t Know About Nutrition; 8 Weeks to Vibrant Health, and The Addicted Brain and How to Break Free. See her website for more information
Dr. Ameet Aggarwal ND, psychotherapist and author of Feel Good

The hidden master organ: Why treating your liver is fundamental to anxiety and depression
- Why the liver is the hidden master organ and defining a sluggish liver
- The role of lactate and the liver and how this contributes to anxiety
- How the liver affects thyroid hormones
- Dietary factors that improve the liver and the ones that make it more sluggish
- A form of breathing that massages the liver
- Homeopathics, antioxidants and herbs for a sluggish liver
- The benefits of using a castor oil pack
- The importance of organic psychotherapy, family constellations, de-stressing, meditation, and exercise
Dr. Ameet Aggarwal ND is a Naturopathic doctor, psychotherapist (gestalt therapy) and family constellations / systems therapist with years of experience treating stress, trauma, anxiety, depression and chronic disease.
Ameet is the author of Feel Good: Easy Steps to Health and Happiness which teaches you why your mind and body are connected and how to release trauma and stress, nourish your body with nutrition and herbs AND detoxify to achieve optimal long-term emotional wellbeing.
From Europe to Canada to Kenya and South Africa, Ameet has lectured around the world and brings to you his vast knowledge on integrating mind and body for emotional wellbeing.
Born in Kenya, he returned to his roots from Canada to run private practice ( and mobile clinics for remote underserviced communities ( He also holds workshops for corporations on team building, communication and conflict resolution and runs emotional healing safaris in Kenya.
Dr. Carolyn Dean, MD, ND, author of The Magnesium Miracle

Take magnesium and melt your anxiety away
- how important is magnesium: enzymatic processes, mitochondria, heart health, anxiety
- how important is magnesium compared to calcium; and the vitamin D connection
- the medication fluoride concern and magnesium impact
- the symptoms of magnesium deficiency
- why we are deficient in magnesium
- dietary sources of magnesium and why diet is often not enough
- how to test your magnesium level
Dr. Carolyn Dean is a Medical Doctor and Naturopathic Doctor Dr. Carolyn Dean is a Medical Doctor and Naturopathic Doctor on the cutting edge of the natural medicine revolution since 1979. She is working on several patents for novel health products including the iCell, the basic ingredient of RnA Drops. She also produces unique magnesium: ReMag and a multiple mineral product: ReLyte that are 100% absorbed at the cellular level. Dr. Dean is the author/coauthor of 33 health books (print and eBooks) including The Magnesium Miracle, Invisible Minerals Part I and Part II, Death by Modern Medicine, IBS for Dummies, The Yeast Connection and Women’s Health, Future Health Now Encyclopedia, Everything Alzheimers, and Hormone Balance and over 100 Kindle books! Dr. Dean is on the Medical Advisory Board of the non-profit educational site – Nutritional Magnesium Association, Her magnesium outreach has won her an award from the Heart Rhythm Society in the UK for “Outstanding Medical Contribution to Cardiac Rhythm Management-2012.” Dr. Dean has a free online newsletter and a valuable online 2-year wellness program called Completement Now! and runs a busy telephone consulting practice. Find out more at Dr. Dean’s Website and her website.
Sayer Ji, researcher, author, founder of Greenmedinfo

Deconstructing medical anxiety & evidence-based natural solutions
- how modern medical screening and interventions are based on an outdated evidence-base and lead to fear and anxiety
- the top evidence-based natural interventions for anxiety: lavender, aromatherapy, flowers, plants, forest bathing, probiotics (and the gut-brain axis), magnesium
- foods that can cause anxiety: gluten/all grains
- what foods to include: real whole foods, healthy fats, eggs (and issues with statins)
- ‘alternative’ non-invasive modalities to reduce stress/anxiety – yoga, EFT, music, shiatsu, dancing and aromatherapy
Sayer Ji is a widely recognized researcher, author, and lecturer, Steering Committee Member of the Global GMO Free Coalition (GGFC), an advisory board member of the National Health Federation, and the founder of the world’s most widely referenced, evidence-based natural health resource of its kind. He founded in 2008 in order to provide the world an open access, evidence-based resource supporting natural and integrative modalities.
Dr. Benjamin Lynch, ND, Researcher/writer/speaker: MTHFR and methylation defects

Anxiety: Biochemical and genetic predispositions
- MTHFR, methylation, SAMe and anxiety (and other health effects)
- Good forms of folate
- How too much folate can raise norepinephrine and cause anxiety
- COMT genetic polymorphisms and anxiety: estrogens, xenoestrogens and sulfur
- MAOA genetic polymorphisms and anxiety: tyramines and histamine
- GAD genetic polymorphisms and anxiety: MSG, glutamates and GABA
- How to test for and interpret these genetic polymorphisms?
- Three top recommendations to reduce anxiety
Benjamin Lynch, ND received his Cell and Molecular Biology, BS from the University of Washington and his ND from Bastyr University. His passion for identifying the cause of disease directed him towards nutrigenomics and methylation dysfunction. Currently, he researches, writes and presents worldwide on the topic of MTHFR and methylation defects. You may learn more about Dr Lynch and his work at www.MTHFR.Net. Dr Lynch is also the President & CEO of, a company oriented towards disease prevention and health promotion. He lives in Bothell, WA with his wife, Nadia, and three boys, Tasman, Mathew and Theodor.
Dr. Peter Osborne, DC and Board Certified Clinical Nutritionist

Drug induced nutritional deficiencies that contribute to anxiety
- the victim-warrior concept for being empowered
- what is the meaning of drug-induced nutritional deficiencies
- drugs that contribute to anxiety through nutrition loss
- estrogen/ birth control pill and magnesium, folate, vitamin B6
- antibiotics: good bacteria, B vitamins esp biotin and vitamin B12, vitamin K
- antacids: protein malnourishment
- NSAIDs: iron, vitamin C, folate, strips mucosal layer
- prescription meds in drinking water
- how to test for these nutritional deficiencies
- nutritional deficiencies caused by gluten and the Gluten-Free Society
Dr. Peter Osborne is the clinical director of Town Center Wellness in Sugar Land, TX (just southwest of Houston). He is a doctor of chiropractic medicine and a Board Certified Clinical Nutritionist. He is an expert in orthomolecular and functional medicine. He has been practicing since 2001. His clinical focus is the holistic natural treatment of chronic degenerative diseases with a primary focus on gluten sensitivity and food allergies. He has helped thousands of patients recover from mysterious medical illnesses.
Doctor Osborne received his doctorate from Texas Chiropractic College. He has held faculty teaching positions at Texas Women’s University and HCC’s nursing program teaching Neurophysiology, Nutrition, Biology, and Anatomy & Physiology. He lectures nationally to doctors on the topics of gluten sensitivity/intolerance, celiac disease, drug induced nutritional deficiencies, and many other nutritionally related topics. He is the co-founder of Nutra-MD, a nutritional supplement product line that addresses nutrient deficiencies caused by commonly prescribed medications. He is the host for the radio program Alternatives for Health & Wellness and the Executive Secretary for the American Clinical Board of Nutrition.
He founded Gluten Free Society in 2010 to help educate patients and physicians on the far reaching effects of gluten sensitivity. He is the author of Glutenology, a series of books designed to help educate the world about gluten.
Dr. Jonathan Prousky, MSc, ND, author of Anxiety: Orthomolecular Diagnosis and Treatment

Tapering off psychiatric drugs so they don’t ruin your life
- The process of reducing or discontinuing psychotropic medications
- Difficulties patients have in overcoming pharmacological dependence
- Reactions when someone discontinues SSRIs and benzodiazapines
- Tapering approach, duration and improving outcomes
- The importance of diet and lifestyle
- Melatonin and niacinamide during benzodiazepine withdrawal
- Using Neurapas Balance, rhodiola and GABA during a taper protocol
- A tapering schedule case report
Jonathan Prousky, ND, MSc, graduated from Bastyr University (Kenmore, WA) with a Doctorate in Naturopathic Medicine. He is the Chief Naturopathic Medical Officer at the Canadian College of Naturopathic Medicine and also supervises at the Robert Schad Naturopathic Clinic. He is a passionate advocate for patients having psychiatric disorders and focuses his clinical practice on optimizing mental and neurological health with orthomolecular nutrition, botanical (plant-based) medicines and lifestyle counseling. He has lectured extensively on various health-related topics, especially mental health. Dr. Prousky is the current editor of the Journal of Orthomolecular Medicine. His clinician-based research primarily involves the neuropsychiatric applications of vitamin B-3. Learn more at
Sharon Heller, PhD, author of Anxiety: Hidden Causes

Hidden causes of anxiety: Drugs, illness, light and balance
- How anxiety is often misdiagnosed as psychological when it’s primary cause is physical
- Why such misdiagnoses happen
- Physical causes of anxiety: thyroid disorders, diabetes, Cushing’s Syndrome, adrenal exhaustion
- Common heart conditions that can cause anxiety: mitral valve prolapse and high blood pressure.
- Infections and anxiety: Lyme disease, PANDAs
- Over-the counter drugs that cause anxiety: lidocaine, birth control pills and more
- Space-related phobias: Vestibular/balance and the inner ear
- Anxiety and photosensitivity
Sharon Heller, PhD is an author, developmental psychologist and college professor specializing in how poor nutrition, internal and external toxicity, drugs, and cranial/sacral misalignment create sensory processing problems, anxiety, depression, and other mental health problems, and on how to heal holistically. She received her master’s degree from the University of Chicago and PhD from Loyola University of Chicago.
Sharon is the author of Anxiety: Hidden Causes: Why your anxiety may not be “all in your head” but from something physical ;Too Loud, Too Bright, Too Fast, Too Tight: What to Do If You Are Sensory Defensive in an Overstimulating World and Uptight & Off Center: How Sensory Processing Disorder Throws Adults off Balance & How to Create Stability . You can learn more at
For many years Sharon suffered debilitating sensory defensiveness, head pressure, head fog, poor balance, visual processing problems, weakness, digestive problems and fatigue for which conventional medicine could offer neither diagnosis nor treatment. She was told and assumed that her problems were largely from anxiety. Psychotropic medication had a minor impact in helping to reduce some distress but, suffering side effects, she promptly stopped. Something was very wrong but what?
Exploring various holistic modalities, she slowly discovered the causes and treatments for her symptoms. Sequelae from head trauma suffered twenty years earlier drove her neurological symptoms, while Epstein Barr virus, Candida overgrowth, mercury poisoning and adrenal exhaustion drove her physical symptoms, all of which were compounded by unrelenting distress. Neurocranial restructuring, biocranial therapy, magnetic resonance therapy, acupuncture and other alternative therapies, along with a raw food diet, detoxification, yoga, qi gong, and painting (see helped to heal and transform her life. You too can heal!
Rebecca Robb, PsyD, clinical psychologist, co-founder of integrative health care practice

Treating Anxiety in an Integrative Medicine Practice
- What is integrated medicine
- What are the complexities of building an integrated medical practice
- Incorporating neuro-nutrition/amino acids into a psychotherapy practice
- Case studies using neuro-nutrition/amino acids and psychotherapy for anxiety, depression, panic attacks, family dysfunction, chronic pain, gut distress
Rebecca Robb, PsyD is a clinical psychologist with 40 years of experience in the field of mental health. She holds a master and a doctorate from the School of Professional Psychology at Pacific University in Forest Grove, Oregon. Her undergraduate degree is from George Fox University, Newberg, Oregon.
Dr. Robb’s work in the community mental health system before and after graduate school prompted many questions about traditional psychiatric pharmaceutical interventions. Her dissertation explored the efficacy of dietary interventions for children with AD/HD. In 2001 she co-founded an integrative health care practice. Her practice at Integrative Primary Care Associates, in Portland, Oregon is based on her firmly held belief that vibrant mental health is directly related to proper nourishment of the body, mind and spirit. She recognizes the reciprocal and dynamic influence of biological, psychological and social forces in illness and health.
Dr. Robb’s ongoing investigation of emerging treatment practices led to an examination of neuro-nutrition and diet. These practices proved to be a remarkably valuable complement to insight-oriented psychotherapy. Further study at the Neuro-Nutrient Training Institute, founded by Julia Ross, MA and author of best-sellers The Mood Cure and The Diet Cure established a foundation for her current protocols. She continually strives to expand her understanding and effectiveness through study and collaboration with multi-disciplinary colleagues.
Trudy Scott, CN, host of the Anxiety Summit, Food Mood expert and author of The Antianxiety Food Solution

Eggs, broths, sprouts, almond flour, questions and what to do next
- Are eggs a superfood? and choline for a better mood and less anxiety
- More superfoods: broths, sprouts and curcumin
- Reconsidering almond flour for baking
- Questions answered (a select few from the blog and facebook page)
- What you can get out of the summit, resources and where to go next
Food Mood Expert Trudy Scott is a certified nutritionist on a mission to educate and empower women worldwide about natural solutions for anxiety, stress and emotional eating. Trudy works with women one-on-one and in groups, serving as a catalyst in bringing about life enhancing transformations that start with the healing powers of eating real whole food, using individually targeted supplementation and making simple lifestyle changes. She also presents nationally to nutrition and mental health professionals on food and mood, sharing all the recent research and how-to steps so they too can educate and empower their clients and patients.
Trudy is past president of the National Association of Nutrition Professionals. She was recipient of the 2012 Impact Award and currently serves as a Special Advisor to the Board of Directors. She is a member of Alliance for Addiction Solutions and Anxiety and Depression Association of America. Trudy is the author of The Antianxiety Food Solution: How the Foods You Eat Can Help You Calm Your Anxious Mind, Improve Your Mood and End Cravings (New Harbinger 2011).
Dr. Lauren Noel, ND, host of Dr. Lo Radio

Primal nutrition for anxiety and depression
- The benefits of eating grass-fed red meat
- Which healthy fats to include and why
- Why include nutrient-dense bone broths and how to make them
- Mineral-rich foods make a difference
Dr. Lauren Noel is the owner and medical director of Shine Natural Medicine in Solana Beach, CA. She received her doctorate in naturopathic medicine from National College of Natural Medicine in Portland, Oregon. Since 2010, Dr. Noel has treated over 5,000 patients using natural therapies. Her areas of expertise are digestive disorders, thyroid & hormone imbalances, and primal nutrition. She has been a frequent guest/lecturer on health radio shows and medical conferences, and she is the host of Dr. Lo Radio, a top rated podcast on iTunes that has attracted over 1 million listens. Dr Noel treats patients locally in the San Diego area and all throughout the US. To learn more visit
Success stories from Real People
Angela Savitri, OTR/L, Freedom from Chronic Stress Coach

How Changing My Breakfast Cut My Anxiety in Half
- How amino acids helped (5-HTP, and GABA)
- How yoga and mindfulness meditation helped her anxiety
- The research supporting yoga and mindfulness meditation for anxiety
- How changing to a 90% whole foods diet helped her anxiety
- What the biggest game-changer was for her anxiety?
Angela Savitri, OTR/L, helps professional women be free of burnout and chronic stress through her 90-Day Freedom from Chronic Stress Program. She’s devoted to this work due to her own health and relationship crisis that required her to take two medical leaves from work before she was 30. Through this humbling experience, Angela knew she had to look within to change her approach to ambition, work, relationships, and well-being. She healed herself while still working in a corporate setting to experience peace regardless of her external circumstances. She left her corporate career behind to pursue her passion to ease the chronic stress burden of high-achieving women so they can experience calm, contentment, and light-heartedness even with a demanding career. Angela is an Occupational Therapist, Duke Certified Integrative Health Coach, Kripalu Yoga Teacher, and Mindfulness Meditation teacher and student. More at
AMMA JO, singer/songwriter and entrepreneur

The power of music for mood and inspiration
- Why music is inspiring and uplifting
- Coming together to create the ‘Top of the World” song
- A big food change she made
AMMA JO is a dynamic inspirationalist (to coin the phrase)!. She works to change the world through her positive and uplifting spirit! She inspires the world through everything she does, whether speaking, singing or launching her own creative ideas!
AMMA JO is a singer/songwriter and entrepreneur. Her sole mission in life is INSPIRATION. She inspires through music, speaking and in her business endeavors. With 15 years executive management experience and over 10 years as an independent artist and true creative, AMMA JO brings her sincerity and flair to every presentation and project!
Learn more about her at and download free music at Invite her for an inspirational experience for your next LIVE event! You may also contact her directly for your next songwriting or marketing project
What Listeners Had to Say about the Anxiety Summit
“I am going to miss these interviews when they are over!! They are like a bouquet of hope:)” ~ Karen
“I have been riveted this entire week by the Anxiety Summit This whole week has been amazing! I have neglected all household responsibilities, much to the chagrin of those I care for, and it has been worth every second! Each interview has been fascinating, entertaining and nutrient-dense! Thank you!” ~ Jen
“The choice of speakers was really excellent, as was the whole format. I learned a great deal. I would also add that Trudy exudes both warmth and conviction, and I have looked forward every day to hearing her encouraging voice and learning from the provocative questions she asked each speaker. The interactive format was really nice–she never dominated the conversation, but often had something insightful to add to the guest’s comments.”
“I am a Naturopath/Nutritionist, specializing in the emotional/mental ramifications of Lyme Disease, and constantly attend webinars on numerous topics. I’m so impressed with Trudy’s knowledge and ability to ask the right questions and the webinar in general is fantastic… one of the best I’ve attended. Thank you, Trudy!” ~ Dr. Elle Guastella
“Fantastic work and what a selection of awe inspiring professionals leading the way forward in thinking about anxiety, stress and the biochemical dance that exists within everyone of us. Well done.”
“I’m so impressed with how extremely knowledgable, positive and engaging our speakers are. Your questioning is great and everyone’s such a good teacher, summarizing while adding tons of details and personal stories helps with comprehension of this amazing wealth of work. I am more than motivated to give up sugar and gluten and try some supplements while hopefully modeling for my children in their 20s how to be healthier and wiser. Thank you!”
Order Season 2 Audio and Transcript Downloads (November 2014)
You can have this incredibly valuable information at your fingertips for future reference. You will be able to access this information anytime, anywhere and it will make a great addition to your learning library!
When you purchase the audios and transcripts you’ll get these additional BONUSES (available in the download page).
BONUSES when you purchase the MP3 audio files and transcripts
- The Super Moms Guide to Managing Thyroid Disease without Going Bonkers (e-book) by Jen Wittman of Thyroid Loving Care,
- Overcoming Hashimoto’s Fatigue Guide by Izabella Wentz, PharmD, author of Hashimoto’s Thyroiditis,
- 30 Foods to Rebalance Your Hormones and Recipes by Magdalena Wszelaki of
- The Emotional Eater eBook by Susan Albers PsyD, author of EatQ,
- Simple Solutions to Relieve Stress eBook by Robin Treasure, Wellness Strategist,
- The best-kept nutritional secrets for bring-it-on-confidence when speaking on stage eBook by Trudy Scott, author of The Antianxiety Food Solution and host of The Anxiety Summit
- Evidence-based research on the serious effects of gluten on mental health, with an in-depth look at testing and the gluten-free diet (mini poster) created by Trudy Scott, author of The Antianxiety Food Solution and host of The Anxiety Summit
- Case study – Woman with anxiety and panic attacks, using food and nutrients (mini poster) created by Trudy Scott, author of The Antianxiety Food Solution and host of The Anxiety Summit
- Recording of Live Q and A call with Trudy (Wednesday January 13th, 2016)
- Liver Supporting Protocol: foods, nutrients and lifestyle changes (PDF) – by Magdalena Wszelaki, founder of Hormones Balance
- Winter blues, winter anxiety and light box resources (PDF) – by Trudy Scott, author of The Antianxiety Food Solution
- Winter blues, winter anxiety, holiday cravings and the low serotonin connection (audio mp3) – by Trudy Scott, author of The Antianxiety Food Solution
- How to Get Off Tranquilizers and Antidepressants by Dr. Hyla Cass, integrative psychiatrist and author of The Addictive Brain and How to Break Free
PLEASE NOTE: everything is delivered online in digital format after the summit ends (this includes bonuses when applicable)

PS. For the digital mp3s/PDFS, our system will send you an email with a download link as soon as you complete your purchase, but please note that depending on the email system you use, the email might not reach you right away. If you don’t get it within 12 hours, first check your spam folder, then please email us at support [at]
PPS. There are no printed versions of the transcripts with any packages. Everything is digital.